Sunday, May 17, 2009

8 Days till Jace gets here!

Sam and I have 8 more days until Jace gets here! (Unless he gets impatient and comes early lol ) We have decided to create this blog for everyone to keep up with what is going on in our lives now that Jace is coming into it. (It is a lot more interesting now isn't it?) As of right now we are scheduled to have him May 26th at 8am. I am sure we will be sending out a mass text to everyone to let you know that he has arrived and if not a text then you should be on the list of people to call after everything settles down. We are really excited because both sets of grandparents are going to be here to give him a big welcome into the world. We are putting up some pictures for you to see. Sonogram, nursery and belly pictures. We will definitely post more soon!